Maddie Nunan’s 7 Years with the Speakeasy Group

This week we have the special privilege of celebrating Maddie Nunan’s 7 remarkable years with The Speakeasy Group. I remember when she first joined us she had a laptop, a mobile phone, no office and there was little to no head office team. What a 7 years it has been. Maddie’s dedication, creativity and leadership have been instrumental in driving our success and growth. Her unwavering commitment has not only elevated our brands but continues to inspire all those who surround her.

Thank you Maddie, for your incredible contributions and for being a wonderful member of the team and leader. Here’s to the future!

– Greg and the entire Speakeasy Group

International Women’s Day

On this International Women’s Day, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to all the phenomenal women who contribute their talent, passion and dedication to The Speakeasy Group and our wonderful guests each and every day!

From front of house to behind the scenes we have some seriously talented and powerful women making huge contributions that are invaluable to our success and our guests enjoyment within our venues. Your presence enriches all those who surround you.

Today we celebrate your accomplishments and from myself a massive thank you for your ongoing remarkable efforts. 

Happy International Women’s Day!!!

Greg Sanderson.

Speakeasy Group Cocktail Competition Details

PART 1 (70% of total score)

Create two kick-arse original cocktails:

Cocktail #1
Twist on a classic done “The Speakeasy Way”. The interpretation is yours.

Cocktail #2
A creation showcasing a unique serve or guest theatre

Drinks will be judged on: Hitting the brief, name, aroma, taste, finish, balance, complexity, visual appeal, theatre, cocktail list ready, WOW factor.

PART 2 (30% of total score)

Show us your knowledge and pass all Bacardi courses on Ananas:
Patron Brand Fundamentals
Bombay Brand Fundamentals
Bacardi Brand Fundamentals
Grey Goose Brand Fundamentals

All entries and communication to [email protected]

Key Dates

12am 21st March: Enter your cocktails to the above email address with your name, photo, ingredient and method
21st March – 7th April: All drinks tasted and scored in venue.
14th April: Finalists announced.
22nd April: Finals to be held in Sydney (top 3 drinks per state).
July: Trip to Mexico

Terms and Conditions

1 cocktail must be made with Patron El Cielo and 1 must be made with Patron Silver (the choice of drink is yours).
Must have a valid passport and travel rights to travel to Mexico.
Must still be an employee of The Speakeasy Group at the time of taking the trip (July).

Welcome to the Speakeasy Group App

Speakeasy Group Consultancy

Welcome to our new communication hub – a super easy App that brings your venue, teams, and the whole Group’s communications together effortlessly and in one place.

We’ve spent a year cooking this up, and now this App is here to kick out all those old group Facebook posts, 85 & 86 lists, nightly/ shift briefing sheets and group newsletters. With this platform, our staff community can communicate with more clarity, transparency, and simplicity. Say goodbye to drowning in emails from HQ, printed event orders and briefing sheets, or emailed newsletters about policies or group stuff. Keeping everyone in the loop is key to growth and sticking to our company values of being real and united. 🚀✨

  • New things you will find on the APP:
  • Notes from the directors
  • Updates on Career opportunities directly from Human Resources
  • Important policy, procedure and workplace updates directly from National Operations Manager
  • Weekly updates from the Marketing and Events Teams such as What’s new in your city, What’s on your venue and new activations.
  • Invitations to trainings, tastings and brand days
  • Information on upcoming competitions and industry opportunities
  • Links to free hospitality community resources such as podcasts, articles, books and more…
  • Accessing your staff discount by paying with the app in venue

But don’t be alarmed, we’re not here to spam you with one million updates a day! The app has been designed with work life balance at the forefront of our minds – you will have full control over what you see, how you utilise it and your notifications. This mean when you are on days off or annual leave, you can simply silence the communications from the APP including the daily briefings and updates. Important or ongoing information and communications will be saved and dated in their specific categories, so you can easily and quickly return to these whenever you need (no more searching through emails to find things).

In addition to The Speakeasy Group App for staff, we are also launching one for Investors and Guests. The Investor App will replace the previous app as the Investor identification tool in venue and also give them direct access to their rewards, perks and special offers. The Guest App will be a brand new way for us to communicate directly with our loyal customers on upcoming promotions and events as well as special offers, bookings and contact information. More on this in the coming days. 

It will take a bit of getting used to, and there will be bits and pieces that require ironing out along the way, but we hope this new way of communicating and engagement with our awesome team will be for the best!

Cheers and as always, all of the Kapow,

Greg and Sven