PART 1 (70% of total score)
Create two kick-arse original cocktails:
Cocktail #1
Twist on a classic done “The Speakeasy Way”. The interpretation is yours.
Cocktail #2
A creation showcasing a unique serve or guest theatre
Drinks will be judged on: Hitting the brief, name, aroma, taste, finish, balance, complexity, visual appeal, theatre, cocktail list ready, WOW factor.
PART 2 (30% of total score)
Show us your knowledge and pass all Bacardi courses on Ananas:
Patron Brand Fundamentals
Bombay Brand Fundamentals
Bacardi Brand Fundamentals
Grey Goose Brand Fundamentals
All entries and communication to [email protected]
Key Dates
12am 21st March: Enter your cocktails to the above email address with your name, photo, ingredient and method
21st March – 7th April: All drinks tasted and scored in venue.
14th April: Finalists announced.
22nd April: Finals to be held in Sydney (top 3 drinks per state).
July: Trip to Mexico
Terms and Conditions
1 cocktail must be made with Patron El Cielo and 1 must be made with Patron Silver (the choice of drink is yours).
Must have a valid passport and travel rights to travel to Mexico.
Must still be an employee of The Speakeasy Group at the time of taking the trip (July).