vSure Notice: Work Rights Check for The Speakeasy Group

Hi Team,

I hope all is well with you!

With the recent changes to our time and attendance software, we are also adapting to new software, including an automated Right to Work Check software (vSure) that will help us verify the work rights of our employees across the company and our venues.

Previously, with Employment Hero only those who were not citizens or permanent residents of Australia were required to upload the data however with this new software and to bring us in line with the Right to Work Check all staff are required to complete it.

With that being said, once we have added your details on vSure, you will receive an email and a text message instruction requesting permission to check your Right To Work in Australia.

For questions and concerns feel free to reach out to me or Tracy.

Thank you!

Ches Misa
HR Assistant

An Update from The Speakeasy Group

I hope this finds you all well! As I am sure you may have seen in the media the hospitality industry is going through what many consider our toughest trading conditions in recent history (including COVID). Great restaurants are closing every week, and some industry experts are predicting that ca 1 in 10 hospitality venues will close within the year.

Especially exposed are new venues. As consumer spending slows many restaurant guests revert to their old favourites and what they consider a “safe bet” for a night out, and whilst that works in our favour with regards to our more established venues such as Mjølner, or Eau De Vie Melbourne, it’s scarier for our newer  venues such as The Sanderson and Eau De Vie, Sydney.

We do however have an ace up our sleeve like no other hospitality group in the country; YOU! As an investor in the group, we are hoping you can join us in driving traffic to our two new Sydney venues. 

What can you do:

  • Take advantage of your status as a co-owner and come for dinner, drinks, celebrations and events. Use the Speakeasy App and take advantage the perks you are offered as a co-owner
  • Recommend the venues to your friends and family.
  • Share our social media content on your own networks.  And recommend friends go
  • Leave positive 5 star reviews on Google, Facebook etc in case you forgot to do so after you last visit 😉
  • If you have leads for events or new business that you can pass on, pass on to myself directly and I will have our team reach out: [email protected] 
  • Encourage your friends, family and networks to download The Speakeasy Group app. 

Collectively we can make a significant impact. We’re confident that with your help we’ll see this time through, as we have before, and we believe Hospitality businesses such as ours have a great future once interest rates starts to drop off and people once again have money to come out and enjoy what we have to offer.

We look forward to hosting you, your friends and your colleagues at one of our venues soon!


Greg Sanderson

Important Updates on Tanda

Hello All,

I hope you are all well and keeping warm! 

As some of the Melbourne staff have experienced, we have encountered a few glitches while transitioning to the new payroll software, Tanda.

We have found that some issues stem from staff not signing in and out correctly for shifts and breaks. To ensure everyone is paid correctly and on time, please make sure to check and confirm your sign-ins and sign-outs at the end of each shift.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Kindest regards,
